Saturday, June 23, 2012


                How many of us would read this and be able to only love some of these neighbors?

Hi there,

So it's 3am and I guess I'm still someone who doesn't sleep normally. And I sure am still someone who probably thinks way too much. But That's me and maybe it's a good thing. Because I feel like some people don't think enough.

I wanted to write because I just saw something online that broke my heart. An old lady on a school bus being harassed by kids. You may have seen the youtube video. I know things like this happen every day. It seems that we care so much more when these things get caught on tape and we wonder how we can help this person. 

WE CAN HELP THESE PEOPLE! They are the people we see everyday that we judge. That we pass by and don't smile or say hi to. There will always be bullies. And we react to these videos by saying mean things about the kids or the ones who inflicted harm. I just think we are fighting fire with fire. I want to see people fight hate with love. Love your neighbor as yourself. See them for the beautiful unique beings they are! No one like them will ever EVER exist again. They need to be appreciated like a fine work of art.

I wrote a little poem/observational story about a guy who I used to watch clean up after people at Wendy's. I should have read this to him and maybe I still will. He was a light. Please be kind to each other. We are all valuable beyond measure.

I went to Wendy's for lunch.. Wendy's is not good for you (the food) but somethings at Wendy's are good for you..

There is a man at Wendy's his name is Ken.. I think Ken is the nicest man I have ever come across.. He is an old man, looks maybe sixty something. He has bright eyes, not old eyes..

Ken works at Wendy's cleaning up after people and handing out mints..

Every time he sees me he asks me the same question.. Maybe Ken is forgetful or maybe he likes my answer.. He always seems very interested either way.. He asks "What do you do?" I tell him "I make movies". He says "You can do that around here?" "yes", I say.. "But not very much". He pats me on the shoulder and looks excited at the prospect of movies being made in simple little New Brunswick.. "need any actors?" he asks jokingly.. He always talks about how we've acted in films together..

A part of me knows Ken is too simple and too humble to really care much about movies.

He smiles and walks over to another table with people I don't know.. I wonder if he asks them the same thing and I wonder what they answer. I see them smile and I know they like Ken too.. I wonder where he goes after he leaves Wendy's..

Ken cleans the tables with a smile, hands out mints and asks people what they do.. He's a servant, he's an old man and he's a child.. With a heart bigger than the sun and twice as warm.. He has more in his eyes than in his words and I am glad I went to Wendy's for lunch..

Please love each other. If you're reading this. Just take the time today to smile at someone who may need it or say hello to someone. You never know when that person might really need some light. Please don't judge. Not based on looks, personality, style or anything you don't understand. Ask yourself how you would want people to treat you.

We are all scared but we don't have to be alone.

1 comment:

  1. Now I want to meet Ken.
    The local "Poem for a Penny" guy is similar for me. I've stood and talked a few minutes longer then just to hear his poem (which are always so deep and beautiful). The little I know wants me to know more. He is valuable. He has something important to say. His perspective on life is beautiful.
    Next time I see him I'm going to ask his name, and invite him to lunch. Maybe we will go to Wendy's. :p
