Tuesday, July 26, 2011

To finish that which needs to be finished

How important is it to finish what we start? Why? you might gleefully ask as you trot down the sidewalk. Well my lovely friend because that is exactly what our faithful God has said he will do in us.

Philippians 1:6 says
And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

Around us we see people struggling to become what they feel inside they are meant to be.. I believe that is God pulling at them, working to finish what he started soooo....

In my life I have always been kinda not so great at finishing things I start. I used to start paintings, scripts, poetry and lots of other stuff and then would get distracted by something new and move onto that only to not finish that thing either. So let's talk about Boxface..

Boxface is a film I won an award for almost two years ago now. The film follows a young man struggling with anxiety and depression (cough cough, ME). I show his social separation through him having a card board box for his head. I know it sounds kinda crazy but I started shooting in not last March but the March before and it was looking really good. This film more than any other I am excited about but also really nervous about because it does have so much potential and also because it really is telling my story. I now need to complete it! There are a few scenes left to shoot and some more editing and music to be done and I am trying to get it done with in the next short while so I can submit it to Silver Wave Film Festival, the local film fest here.

I think sometimes not finishing something is a way to avoid failure. You can say to yourself, "Well if I had finished it, it would have been a masterpiece!" "It just never worked out." Fear is a big driving force in all our lives. We try to use control to overcome fear. I have always said I wouldn't be scared of flying if I was the one flying the plane.

At these times I like to look up. especially at night. When I do, I tend to see stars (on a clear night) Stars aren't just specks of light dude. They are suns, some many times larger than our own sun. There are trillions of them stretched across the universe. We are on a little tiny (yet beautiful) dot not even slightly visible from the next nearest star. Will it really matter if we complete something and it isn't quite as good as it could have been? There really is no such thing as failure.

With all that said I don't believe we are just ants on the proverbial ant hill. I believe we are amazingly precious and special. God still has a plan. He has a plan even for our projects that don't turn out the way we want them. It's like a puzzle piece that you look at and say, all that is is a white blob with a spec of black.. As a piece by itself it is nothing but when the puzzle is finished you see that it was the kitties nose.. What is a kitty with out the nose? A less cute kitty that's what!!!!!

I realize I get a bit off track but I did tell you I was diagnosed with ADHD..

Our failures will never lead to true failure but future successes. What leads to failure is being scared of failure. Does that make any sense?

So do things! Create, complete, and don't fear. God has a plan and your "failures" are part of it. He will complete what he started and if we try to do the same we will be aligning ourselves with God's heart for our lives..

The white blob is a kitties nose..


  1. Well said! It totally makes sense! Failure is a horrible thing to face as a possibility - but embracing it can bring productivity and movement!

    "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

  2. hey Joel. I'm willing and able to help with Boxface if ya need it...or any other project you got on the go. (I assume Boxface has to be in this week?)
    And I like this post...but it's encouragement to start my project is lacking one thing. I haven't the slightest clue how to start...Perhaps an experienced writer friend would be interested in helping me?
